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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

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1 Subject

2-1 Discussion Power Theories Contains unread posts

2-1 Discussion Power Theories Contains unread posts

Q What power theories have you seen in action in your current or prior organizations? Were they need driven or ego driven? Discuss, giving examples. Respond to your classmates' posts and answer questions posed to you by others.

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In my current organization where I work, there is some ego driven power theories. If a person becomes well versed in his field of work, he starts to think what he wants to and also assumes that each of the steps he takes is right and perfect. I see this behavior clearly in my managing director of the company who seems to be really egoistic and thinks what he does is best for the company. He is having 25 plus years of experience in this field of work and is extremely accomplished and well versed in his work.